Wednesday, April 8, 2020

week 13: My Online Presence

It seems that in today's times that everyone is on social media in some capacity, whether it be facebook, snapchat, or even just linkedin. While thinking about this topic I came to the conclusion that I do have an online presence, albeit smaller than most people my age. While I don't use instagram, I have a facebook which I don't update often, I just use it to see what friends and family are up to. In the past few years I have shared some videos on there regarding politics, which is one of the reasons I have my account on private mode, as I don't want employers with opposing views to be discouraged by that if they search my name.

I also have a twitter where I just retweet things that I find funny (I don't make any original posts). I have made sure to keep these accounts set on private so anyone looking up my name can't stalk my profile. I don't have anything on these accounts that I would consider unprofessional, it just makes me more comfortable knowing that strangers aren't looking at my profile. I have made sure to make my facebook profile picture professional enough

I try to share as little information as possible with these sites. Facebook has been under scrutiny in recent years for privacy concerns. They do have my email, as is required when creating your account, and I must admit that I find emails from them somewhat annoying.

Like everyone, I have a snapchat, but I use it sparingly, and I try to keep my friends list small and reserved for people that I talk to on a semi regular basis.

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