Thursday, February 20, 2020

Week 5: Antiwar Voices

While reading these antiwar sites, I was impressed with the number of people who are antiwar, but also willing to criticize not only  America’s government, but also many other governments  so harshly. I think that this is a good thing, though. A country should be held accountable for engaging in pointless or unnecessary conflicts. There were so many articles on that I did not get through all of them, but I kept being reminded of the Sedition Act of 1918, had this site existed back then, it would have been illegal. This act was an extension of the Espionage Act, which made it illegal to criticize the government or cause others to view America in a negative light. This was during World War I, so it was a wartime law that the U.S. tried to justify at the time. While the act is no longer in place, it does seem that mainstream media does not want to take a completely antiwar perspective, as many viewers of mainstream news channels sometimes equate being antiwar as being anti-America. 

I believe that sites like this are important, as the public should be informed of both sides of armed conflicts in the world, in order to form their own opinions. Every country that is in a conflict is going to be told by their government that it is justified, and sites like this are a good foil to that perspective. 

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